Proformance Racing Transmissions

With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Performance Racing Transmissions provides high-quality transmission services and products.  They carry a full line of transmission and speed equipment products and parts.  Proformance also tailers their products to your specific needs.  Whether it is building a race transmission, providing combination refinement/development, trackside assistance, or tuning, you can count on them.

About Proformance:

In the early ’90s, when the “streetcar shoot-out” and heavyweight door cars were quickly becoming the hottest type of racing around, the need for superior automatics was an issue.


This was the starting point for Proformance Racing Transmissions to achieve our goal. Throughout the mid to late ’90s, things progressed to a point where durability was the next task at hand. This led us to the constant testing with research and development of new products to achieve our goal, providing you with the latest technology and best possible parts available.


In early 2000 through the present, we have rededicated ourselves to even more R&D to ensure top quality with extreme durability to all of our products so that nothing is overlooked.


Performance Plus Global Logistics works with Proformance Racing Transmissions daily.  The PPLUS Global Team has helped Proformance with hundreds of shipments over the past 5 years.  Proformance depends on PPLUS to ship, track and deliver all shipments with their best-in-class service.